Wednesday, December 17, 2008

*summer softball*

today was so crazy!! we had a 2 hour delay to start with..i was sitting in math class and i thought of jim. i thought about how ill never get to talk to him, how he'll never hug me again, how he'll never get to tell me what im doing right or what im doing wrong in softball, or how ill just never get to see him anymore. he was my softball coach this summer. it was the year i came back because last summer i quit. i have never had more fun out on that field because him & brittany made it the best season ever. going up to vincennes and playing in their tourney was crazy and very emotional. it was the last inning and we were down by two to make it to the championship game. diane hit it out to center field all the way to the fence and someone was on 2nd base. they both made it home and them the ump calls diane out because she threw the bat. we were all screaming our heads off so happy until jim came over and told us. everything just went down there. there were alot of parents cussing & just about ready to be kicked out. we all went back to jims truck under the shade. by the time everyone got home we got a phone call saying that the umpire made a bad call. obviously, we already knew that. but they asked if we wanted to go back to play the championship game. we said no though. but jim and brittany were awesome coaches. i had a great year coming back. RIP Jim Miller our love for you will last forever

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